
I prayed that Tom would get a video undetected as we other boys prepared to give Jessie a double-facial. With a loud moan, I came first, shooting thick ropes of cum all over Jessie's cheeks, nose and around her closed eyes. Jessie left her mouth closed as well, so all of the jizz stayed on her face. I was about halfway through my orgasm when John shouted and accompanied me in plastering Jessie's pretty face. Cum was splashing and steaming down all over Jessie's face as she grinned with pursed. Also get in touch with your contacts and see if you can find out who was trying to develop this thing. Was it just rumor or did someone actually hear something. Dane, do the same with your contacts. As a Warrior your people might have picked up on 'improvements' or new skills that none of us would have paid any attention to." ordered Blake."We have a starting point now. We think we know what this stuff is, now we have to make sure. I'm going to try to back track on Mr. Johnson and find out who. It was then I could feel that my balls had fallen out of the leg of my shorts and were now dangling over the edge of the chair. My cock was lying right beside them. I didn’t know what to do but hoped that she was giving all her attention to the paint and wouldn’t notice. I kept my eyes closed and tried not to think about her beautiful breasts so I wouldn’t get a hard on… that’s all I needed! Because I was hot and sweaty, my balls were hanging lower than usual and I became concerned that she. Remaining in place was tough yet I managed it. I had hoped our text sessions mixed with the fantasies in my head were not going to be a letdown. I needn’t have worried. He was bigger and better than my imagination could have ever conjured. There wasn’t any part of his body that didn’t make my mouth water. All kind of wicked thoughts crossed my mind at the sight of his erection. There was nothing more perfect. It wasn’t as if I had seen a lot of penises in my day but I was positive none had made.
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